Join us for Prayer
We are a house of prayer, and we believe that prayer is the way that we fellowship with God, and also how He ministers to us. We have many groups which meet throughout the week to provide a space for anyone from any season of life to participate in prayer.
Our Prayer Room is located on the west side of our building inside entrance 2.
Sundays 8:00 am
Corporate Prayer
Tuesdays 6:30 am
Men’s Prayer
Wednesdays 7:00 pm
Corporate Prayer
Fridays 12:00 pm
Women’s Prayer
Prayer Request
Prayer is an essential expression of who we are. Through prayer, we contend for the manifesting Presence of God to move here on earth. We at Capital would love to intercede and pray for you.
Please submit your prayer request below.
Praise Report
We want to celebrate what God is doing in your life! Has he answered a prayer you have been praying? Or surprised you with His splendor & glory? Please share your testimony of God’s goodness by submitting your praise report below.
Feel free to reach out to us anytime at